Tag Archives: ESAT

Malawi nabs 66 Ethiopians for illegal entry

ESAT News (Dec 24, 2017) The Department of Immigration of Malawi said it has intercepted 66 Ethiopian nationals whom it said had attempted to enter the country illegally. The Ethiopians were nabbed last week in the mountains surrounding Phwezi, a location in the country’s Northern Region district of Rumphi, according to a report by Xinhuanet. Officials said that the Ethiopians ...

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Ethiopia: Online campaign highlights plight of prisoners of conscience

by Engidu Woldie ESAT News (December 26, 2017) Ethiopians will hold a one day online campaign on Wednesday to bring to light the quandary of prisoners of conscience under an oppressive regime. Organizers say the campaign is aimed at drawing the attention of the international community to the plight of prisoners of conscience in Ethiopian prisons. It is also to ...

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Egypt calls for World Bank intervention on dam deadlock with Ethiopia

ESAT News (December 26, 2017) Egypt has called for World Bank mediation to resolve a stalemate with Ethiopia that is building a hydroelectric dam on the Abay River. Egypt says the construction of the dam will significantly reduce its share of water. Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry was in Addis Ababa on Tuesday to hold talks with his Ethiopian counterpart, ...

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Ethiopia: Protests continue as political parties call for formation of transitional government

ESAT News (December 25, 2017) Protests against the TPLF have continued with the people demanding the removal of the regime. A stay at home protest in Ambo, Ginchi and Guder towns as well as nearby villages that began Friday has continued on Monday. Schools and businesses remained closed. Taxi drivers in Sululta, just outside the capital, have reportedly strike today ...

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Ethiopia: Bekele Gerba denied medical treatment

ESAT News (December 25, 2017) One of Ethiopia’s prisoners of conscience, Bekele Gerba, has been denied to see a doctor despite his repeated request to the prison administration. His daughter, Bontu Bekele, who told Deutsche Welle that her dad is suffering from hypertension said he is also suffering from other ailments and has been demanding prison administrators to see his ...

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Egypt foreign minister to visit Ethiopia to ‘break deadlocks’ on grand dam

ESAT News (December 25, 2017) Egyptian media reported that foreign minister Sameh Shoukry is set to arrive in Ethiopia on Tuesday for talks with his counterpart Workneh Gebeyehu to “break the deadlock” in tripartite negotiation over the construction of Ethiopia’s Renaissance Dam. The two sides are expected to iron out their differences regarding the work of the tripartite technical committee ...

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Ethiopia: Regime to remove police force, militia on Somali-Oromo borders

ESAT News (December 22, 2017) Local police force and militia in areas bordering the Somali and Oromo regions in Eastern Ethiopia have been ordered to stay away from the region. According to information obtained by ESAT, TPLF generals have given orders to the police and militia on both sides of the Somali and Oromo border regions to leave immediately or ...

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Ethiopia: Medrek calls on EPRDF to step down

ESAT News (December 22, 2017) The Ethiopian Federal Democratic Unity Forum (Medrek) said the ruling EPRDF is unable and unwilling to resolve the multifaceted problems facing the country and the people and hence should resign from power. Medrek said in a statement yesterday that the all-round political and economic crisis in the country was a result of misrule and repression ...

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Ethiopia: Two regime soldiers killed in ambush in Hararghe

ESAT News (December 2, 2017) At least two members of the Agazi forces, special kill squad of the TPLF, have been killed in an ambush in Haberu Wacheti, Hararghe as they were heading to quell anti-TPLF protests in the area.   Some sources put the number of soldiers killed at four. No party took responsibility for the killings but sources ...

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Ethiopia: Regime denies aid, services to Oromo party affiliates

ESAT News (December 21, 2017) Members and supporters of the Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) have been denied aid, educational opportunities, loans and other services for merely being an opposition to the regime, a representative of the party in Wollega told ESAT. The representative said cadres of the TPLF and their cronies not only harass and intimidate members and those who ...

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