ESAT English News

Ethiopia: Reports of more arrests in the Oromo region

ESAT News (November 28, 2016) Security forces detained forty-six students in one week after university students resumed protests in the Oromo region of Ethiopia. Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa said in a release on Sunday that 28  students were arrested in Jimma University by TPLF forces since November 20. Jima University students once again reignited peaceful protests ...

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Coalition renewed vow to struggle for democratic Ethiopia

ESAT News (November 28, 2016) Leaders of the recently established political coalition held a public meeting in Stockholm, Sweden, on Sunday where they renewed their commitment to work for the formation of an all inclusive democratic system in Ethiopia. The leaders of the Ethiopian National Movement, who officially launched the coalition in October at a signing ceremony in Silver Spring, ...

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Riek Machar’s SPLM condemns U.S.

ESAT News (November 28, 2016) The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement and army in opposition (SPLM/A-IO) said in a statement on Monday that it condemns the United States for what it called “malice and pretence in targeting the victim Dr. Riek and the SPLM/A-IO while condoning the war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide committed by Juba regime.” The SPLM, through ...

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Ethiopia: Newly crowned spokesperson deny any journalist is in jail

ESAT News (November 25, 2016) Ethiopia’s communication minister and government spokesperson denied the regime had jailed any journalist in the country. In an interview with the state owned television, EBC, considered by Ethiopians as a lie factory, Negeri Lencho said no journalist is in jail in Ethiopia. The minister’s denial came only a week after Elias Gebru, Anania Sory and ...

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Ethiopia: Detained pilots of vintage planes released

ESAT News (November 15, 2016) An attempt by a hardy group of adventurers to fly the length of Africa in vintage planes is back on course after they were stranded for two days in Ethiopia, where the authorities had accused them of illegally entering the country’s airspace, the Guardian reported on Friday. The newspaper reported that diplomats from the UK, ...

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Surgeon jailed in Ethiopia faces new charges

ESAT News (November 25,2016) A cardiac surgeon from Sweden already imprisoned in Ethiopia for several years could be changed with additional crimes, reports Swedish Television. Fikru Maru was jailed in 2013 and later sentenced to four years and eight months for having knowledge of corruption between a minister and a prosecutor. Maru has always denied any wrongdoing. Now, he could ...

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Ethiopia: Prosecutor charges inmates for Qilinto prison fire

ESAT News (November 24, 2016) In a surprise twist of alleged miscarriage of justice in Ethiopia, regime prosecutors charged jailed political prisoners for the arson at the notorious Qilinto prison in August that killed dozens of inmates. The charge alleged that 38 prisoners were responsible for the death of 23 inmates in the fire. It said the accused have beaten ...

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Ethiopia: Women face threat of human trafficking

ESAT News (November 24, 2016) Women in Ethiopia live under constant fear of violence, illness, hunger and poverty but they are now also facing a new threat – human trafficking, according to veteran women’s rights campaigner Bogaletch Gebre. A third of its 99 million citizens still survive on less than $1.90 a day – the World Bank’s measure of extreme ...

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Ethiopia detains foreign pilots in a vintage air rally

ESAT News (November 24, 2016) The United States Embassy in Addis Ababa said on Thursday that Ethiopian authorities have detained several foreign pilots, including Americans, who were participating in a trans-Africa air rally. The Associated Press said Embassy officials are working with Ethiopian authorities to secure consular access to see the American pilots, the embassy said in a statement. The ...

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Ethiopia: Patriotic Ginbot 7 commander killed himself to avoid surrender

ESAT News (November 24, 2016) A high ranking military commander for Patriotic Ginbot 7 killed himself when his team was surrounded by the enemy forces in a fight in north Gondar on Wednesday. Major Mesafint Tigabu, a respected military commander for Patriotic Ginbot 7, an armed group fighting regime forces in Ethiopia, has reportedly committed suicide instead of surrendering to ...

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