Tag Archives: EU

EU grants €130 million to Ethiopia

ESAT News (January 24, 2019) The European Union has agreed to grant 130 million Euros to Ethiopia to promote sustainable economic growth and job creation. European Commission said in a Press release that the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker met with the Prime Minister of Ethiopia Abiy Ahmed, who is on a working tour in Europe, to discuss ...

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“EU Statement on Ethiopia’s martial law is a shame,” Ana Gomes Says

by Engidu Woldie ESAT News (March 1, 2018) Ana Gomes, a Portuguese member of the European Parliament say the recent statement put out by the European Union regarding the state of emergency in Ethiopia was a “shame.” She called on the Parliament to bring the issue with the High Representative for Human Rights and take a position that respects the ...

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Only a constructive dialogue among all stakeholders resolves crisis in Ethiopia: EU

ESAT News (February 19, 2018) The European Union said in a statement today that “only a constructive dialogue among all stakeholders – authorities, opposition, media, civil society – will allow for a peaceful and durable resolution of the crisis.” The statement by the spokesperson, Catherine Ray, on the situation in Ethiopia also said that the declaration of the state of ...

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EU says ethnic clashes in Ethiopia deeply worrying

ESAT News (December 20, 2017) Recurring reports of violence in several universities and clashes in different parts of Ethiopia are deeply worrying, in particular as regards their increasingly ethnic nature, the European Union said in a statement today. The statement by Catherine Ray, the Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy pointed out the recent incidents in Oromia-Somali regions, which ...

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European governments complicit in horrific abuse of refugees, migrants in Libya: Rights Watchdog

EAT News (December 12, 2017) Amnesty International said today that European governments are knowingly complicit in the torture and abuse of tens of thousands of refugees and migrants detained by Libyan immigration authorities in appalling conditions in Libya. The rights watchdog published an expose today in the wake of global outrage over the sale of migrants in Libya that was ...

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EU to expel Ethiopians: leaked document says

ESAT News (December 7, 2017) A leaked document obtained by the Addis Standard says the European Union and the Ethiopian regime are close to signing an agreement to return Ethiopians in Europe who have not been granted refugee status. The document says the Ethiopians will be returned voluntarily or otherwise. Meanwhile, the African Union says it now plans to repatriate ...

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Ethiopia: “I am worried Ethiopia will explode:” Ana Gomes

by Engidu Woldie ESAT News (October 30, 2017) A member of the European Parliament who is a fervent critic of the TPLF said current political developments in Ethiopia could lead to conflict with tremendous consequences to the Horn of Africa. Speaking to ESAT on the phone, the Portuguese politician said she fears that the ongoing conflicts in various parts of ...

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Ethiopia: MP calls EU to end complicity with a brutal regime

ESAT News (December 15, 2016) A member of the European Parliament called for the European Union to end its complicity with the Ethiopian regime that kills peaceful protesters and jails journalists and political opponents. https://youtu.be/iEWeRYPdvSg Ana Maria Gomes made an impassioned plea to members of the European Union to end their silence over the crimes perpetrated by the regime. Mrs. ...

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