Tag Archives: Gambela

ESAT HR- Human rights violation on Amharas’, interview with Journalist Muluken Tesfaw. 18 June 2016

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Ethiopian regime deploys troops near Ethio-Djibouti boarders

  ESAT News (June 17, 2016) The Ethiopian regime has deployed troops in the border town of Balho, inside the Djibouti territory to closely watch the armed resistance groups in the Afar region of Ethiopia. According to a report filed by the African Intelligence, the troops, headed by a colonel, were at least 150 and will watch over the armed ...

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ESAT Yehasab Menged June 17 2016

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Seven intelligence operatives killed in the last few months

  ESAT News (June 16, 2016) Unknown assailants have killed seven intelligence operatives of the Ethiopian regime in the last four months, according to sources. Three of the operatives: Zewdu Teklemariam, Sisay and Elias were intelligence operation coordinators for the Ethiopian regime in Somalia and the sources said their death could have an impact on the war against Al Shabaab. ...

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ESAT Daily News DC Fri 17 June 2016

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ESAT Yetibeb Kana 18 June 2016 Ethiopia

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ESAT Radio Fri 17 June 2016

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ESAT NEWS Afaan Oromo June 16, 2016

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ESAT Daily News Amsterdam June 17, 2016

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ESAT Radio 30 Min Fri 17 Jun 2016

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