Farmers in south Gondar clash with regime forces

ESAT News (June 6, 2016)

One person was killed as farmers in Guna, south Gondar clashed with regime forces on Sunday. Reports reaching ESAT indicate the standoff continued throughout Monday.

The spat over grazing land turned deadly when regime forces opened fire at the farmers. A sources told ESAT that one farmer was killed in the shootout that lasted for three hours.

A witness who also took part in the fight told ESAT that several people have taken arms and left their villages. The witness said the farmers are hiding in the nearby jungle. He said the farmers are determined to defend themselves if the regime forces decided to attack again.

Residents in nearby villages were also in a standoff with government forces following the fight in Guna.

People in Gondar have been expressing their outrage against abuse of power and maladministration by the minority regime.