ESAT News (December 19, 2018)
Over 80,000 people were forced to flee Moyale, Ethiopia’s town on the southern border, in a week of deadly ethnic violence.
Clashes between the Somali Gare and Borena Oromo communities in Moyale flared up again last week over territories claimed by both sides. At least 21 people were killed last week.
The report by Deutsche Welle Amharic quoted local officials as saying despite calm has been restored in Moyale today, businesses and administrative offices were still shutdown.
The displaced have been temporarily sheltered in Dire, Yabelo, Mega and other areas and were being provided with food assistance.
Federal forces have began moving into the town while the government is working to disarm both sides.
On Monday, an attack on a hotel in the town left 12 dead including members of the army.