Tag Archives: Tigrai

ESAT TV Yesrawitu Dimse In Collaboration With ESAT Jun 11, 2016

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ESAT Radio Hule Addis Radio Sat June 11 2016

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US, Ethiopian regime behind UNCOI report on Eritrea, says Yemane Gebreab

ESAT News (June 10, 2016) Eritrea said on Thursday that the United States and the Ethiopian regime were behind the damning report on human rights by the UN Commission of Inquiry which the east African country strongly believe was politically motivated. In an exclusive interview with Sisay Agena of ESAT, presidential advisor and head of political affairs, Yemane Gebreab said ...

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ESAT Radio Fri 10 Jun 2016

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ESAT Radio 30 Min Fri 10 Jun 2016

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ESAT Afaan Oromo Radio June 09 2016

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ESAT Radio 30 Min Thu 09 Jun 2016

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Ethiopian regime to pay back 6.5 million dollars it collected through the illegal sell of bonds to Ethiopians in the US

  ESAT News (June 8, 2016) The Securities and Exchange Commission said on Wednesday that the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation has agreed to pay nearly $6.5 million “to settle charges that it violated U.S. securities laws by failing to register bonds it offered and sold to U.S residents of Ethiopian descent.” The SEC said in a press release on Wednesday ...

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Eritrea rejects UN Commission of Inquiry report on human rights

  ESAT News (June 8, 2016) Eritrea on Wednesday rejected the COI report on human rights situations in the country saying it is politically motivated and groundless. “Eritrea rejects the politically motivated and groundless accusations and the destructive recommendations of the COI. It believes they are an unwarranted attack not only against Eritrea, but also Africa and developing nations,” the ...

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ESAT Radio Wed 08 Jun 2016

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