Ethiopia: MP calls EU to end complicity with a brutal regime

ESAT News (December 15, 2016) A member of the European Parliament called for the European Union to end its complicity…

8 years ago

Ethiopia: Illicit capital flight much higher than estimates, says ex-intelligence officer

ESAT News (November 21, 2016) Illicit financial flows from Ethiopia could be much higher than those estimates by international financial…

8 years ago

Destabilized regime declares state of emergency in Ethiopia

  ESAT News (October 9, 2016) The TPLF-led government, shaken by widespread protests, declared Sunday a six-month long state of…

8 years ago

Security forces accused of displacing Amharas in Konso

ESAT News (September 15, 2016) Security forces in southern Ethiopia are forcing the displacement of Amharas in Konso, in what…

8 years ago

Ethiopian farmers kill five Sudanese soldiers

ESAT News (July 5, 2016) Ethiopian farmers in Tach Armacheho, North Gondar, reportedly killed five Sudanese soldiers following an incursion…

9 years ago