Ethiopia fails to pay creditors

ESAT News (September 1, 2017) A 1.8 billion dollars is due this year to creditors but an empty coffer is…

7 years ago

ONLF decries refoulement of exec member to Ethiopia

ESAT News (August 30, 2017) The Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) denounced the refoulement of Abdikarin Sheikh Muse, an executive…

7 years ago

Ethiopia: Illegal toxic dumping increases infant mortality: study says

ESAT News (August 28, 2017) The illegal dumping of toxic along Ethiopia’s road construction routes is resulting in higher rates…

7 years ago

U.S. sends clear message to African looters: Guinean former minister gets 7 years

ESAT News (August 28, 2017) A former Guinean mining minister was sentenced to 7 years in jail for laundering 8.5…

7 years ago

Lawyer says Ethiopia’s political prisoners are victims of kangaroo courts, unjust laws

ESAT News (August 16, 2017) The legal director of an international advocacy group has said that Ethiopia’s political prisoners like…

8 years ago

Ethiopia: Travel ban imposed on high level officials: ESAT sources

ESAT News (August 15, 2017) A travel ban has been imposed on high level TPLF officials, family members and accomplices…

8 years ago

Amb. Girma Birru may not return home due to allegations of corruption: sources

ESAT News (August 14, 2017) Ethiopia called five ambassadors but its special envoy, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to the United…

8 years ago

Security forces accused of displacing Amharas in Konso

ESAT News (September 15, 2016) Security forces in southern Ethiopia are forcing the displacement of Amharas in Konso, in what…

8 years ago