
Why was ESAT established?


ESAT was established on April 24, 2010 to present balanced news, views and analysis, entertainment programs, talk shows, documentaries, sports and cultural programs pertaining primarily to Ethiopia and the rest of the world.


What are ESAT’s aims and objectives?


ESAT’s main objective is to provide balanced information to the people of Ethiopia and beyond. ESAT firmly believes that suppression of press freedom, persecution of journalists, and interference in the free flow of information by the Ethiopian regime is counterproductive to peace, stability and democracy. ESAT was established based on the notion that a well-functioning independent press is an instrumental ingredient in democratization; it exposes corruption, abuse of power, mismanagement and embezzlement of public resources. ESAT also believes that without free access to information and ideas, citizens are unable to participate meaningfully in the socio-economic and socio-political system by exercising their right to vote or by taking part in the efforts to shape the process of public policy and decision making.


Who owns ESAT?


The Foundation Ethiopian Satellite Television and Radio (ESAT), a non-governmental organization registered under the Dutch Chamber of Commerce is the owner of ESAT. ESAT’s operation in North America is run by Advocacy for Media and Democracy in Ethiopia, a non-profit organization registered in the United States. ESAT is powered by broad-based collective of exiled journalists, human rights advocates, civic society leaders and members in the Diaspora deeply committed to the principles of democracy, human rights and the rule of law.

ESAT has a 13-member independent advisory board comprised of individuals that have proven track-records of being advocates of democracy and rule of law in Ethiopia. The main function of the board is to advise and oversee ESAT’s professionalism and impartiality and its commitment to journalistic principles of accuracy, balance and fairness.


What Programs does ESAT produce?


ESAT produces daily news, in-depth News Analysis, Feature Stories, Panel Discussions, Interviews, Entertainment programs, Sports, Historical and Cultural Programs. In addition, there are programs on health and the environment. Every effort is made in the programming to reflect the diversity of opinions as well as embrace the plurality of Ethiopian society; while ensuring that the content conforms to the strict guidelines of ESAT’s editorial policy.


Where does ESAT generate its funding?


Currently, ESAT relies on the support it receives from individual donors and contributions from the Ethiopian Diaspora. Efforts are being made to get institutional support from organizations that promote democratization and press freedom.


Why support ESAT?


Ethiopia is one of the countries in the world with the worst record of press freedom. After the 2005 disputed elections, scores of popular independent newspapers have been closed down. A number of journalists have been harassed, persecuted, tortured and jailed for doing their jobs. CPJ report shows that Ethiopia is the second leading jailer of journalists in Africa. Freedom House classifies Ethiopia as “Not Free” in their Freedom in the World 2015 Index. The OpenNet Africa report also revealed that more than 150 websites were blocked in Ethiopia in 2014.

The Ethiopian government controls almost all electronic media outlets. The state-run media are solely focused on propaganda and shuts out critical views. ESAT aspires to fill that void so that the Ethiopian people will have unfettered access to information, diverse viewpoints and perspectives.


What challenges ESAT has faced so far?


The time, energy and financial sacrifices paid to launch ESAT are incalculable. It also takes enormous resources to sustain a satellite television project of this magnitude and put it on a strong foundation. We need the help of freedom loving Ethiopians and global advocates of free media to cover the costs of original programming, technical services, special productions and other activities necessary to keep ESAT on air.

ESAT’s principal challenge so far has come from the “deliberate electronic interference” by the Ethiopian regime. Since its founding on April 24, 2010, ESAT has been jammed five times in violation of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) international conventions that prohibit jamming and censorship in contravention of Article 29 of Ethiopian Constitution.


How can one contribute to ESAT?


ESAT relies on the contribution of its supporters to stay on air. Supporters can make a recurrent, monthly contribution or a one-time donation through bank transfer or automatic credit or debit card charges directly from ESAT Support Page.

For more information email us at: management@ethsat.com