Ethiopia: OFC called on regime to stop killings of Oromos in south and south eastern Ethiopia


ESAT News (February 1, 2017)

The Oromo Federalist Congress warns of grave consequences of the ongoing incursions, looting and killings by the Somali Region Special Forces against the Oromo people in East Hararghe, Bale and Borena.

Recent reports show that there have been abduction, cattle raiding and killings perpetrated by the Somali Region Special Forces against the Oromos.

OFC said in statement that as per information it received from East Hararghe, Bale and Borena regions, there have been massive looting and killings against defenseless Oromos, which the ruling party has deliberately avoid to intervene and stop.

“In fact, it is part of the systematic and deliberate economic and political marginalization perpetrated by the ruling TPLF/EPRDF against the Oromos,” the statement said adding “the powers that be had long sought to reduce the population of the Oromo and their land.”

The OFC recalled that tens of thousands of Oromos have been detained on cooked up charges of terrorism and thousands others were brutally killed since 2014.

OFC accused that the killings and looting have been perpetrated by what it called “irresponsible officials who would do anything to cling to power.”

The party called on the international community to come to the rescue of the people who were victims of the henious crime.

Dr. Merara Gudina, a prominent figure in Ethiopia’s opposition politics and the leader of the Oromo Federalist Congress, has been in detention since last November. He was arrested upon his return from Europe, where he testified at the European Parliament against the brutality and undemocratic nature of the regime in his country.

Authorities say Dr. Gudina had violated the state of emergency declared in October by appearing at the European Parliament with leaders of opposition political groups deemed “terrorists” by the regime.

But Gudina insists he has always been a peaceful citizen and has never use violence as a political tool.