South Sudanese General arrested in Ethiopia

ESAT News (January 9, 2018)

A South Sudanese General was arrested by Ethiopian authorities after he entered Ethiopia illegally, Radio Tamazuj quoted a senior official loyal to Taban Deng as saying.

The radio report said David Dang Kong, head of the SPLM-IO office for peace and reconciliation in Ethiopia said today that Brigadier General Mun Gach Thoch was arrested at Tharpam Refugee Camp by Ethiopian police after crossing the border town of Pagak to neighboring Ethiopia without proper papers in October 2017.
According to the report Brigadier General Mun Gach Thoch is allied to the country’s First Vice President Taban Deng Gai.

Kong pointed out that the South Sudanese army General is being held for nearly three months in Gambella region.

“Mun crossed to Ethiopia to visit his relatives. The Ethiopian government said the general crossed the border without permission,” the radio quoted Kong as saying.