Photo: Social media
ESAT News (August 10, 2016)
Protest demonstrations against the regime in Ethiopia continued despite the brutality of the regime forces who shoot to kill protest demonstrators.
Several sources revealed that in the last few days alone at least 130 people have been murdered in the Oromo region by the brute forces of the tyrannical regime while 70 others have been massacred in the Amhara region.
Bahir Dar saw the worst killings in the Amhara region perpetrated by the TPLF forces, a Front that see the Amharas as its historic enemies. Witnesses say there were still bodies dumped in the bushes by non-other than the TPLF killing squad that was sent to murder the Amharas, who have said enough to the minority rule that terrorizes the majority.
In Tis Abay, the town of the Abay Falls, the locals engaged regime forces in a fight all night Tuesday after the killing of one of their own by the regime forces. The regime has sent a 120 army reinforcement to Tis Abay. Fighting was still continuing on Tuesday.
Meanwhile, the entire Amhara region is gearing up for another round of protest demonstrations for the weekend.
Killings and mass arrest has continued on Tuesday in both Oromo and Amhara regions.
In a related news, four soldiers have reportedly been killed in a shootout at a military camp in the town of Bahir Dar, according to sources. The cause of the infight remains a mystery but observers believe there were tensions mounting between the Tigrayan and non Tigrayan soldiers.